…leave no one behind

AMDAF is a registered charity in Ireland, operating under the Charities Regulator with Charity Number 20205848 and also registered as a company limited by guarantee without capital share with Company Number 652991.

The organisation is governed by a Board of Trustees from diverse backgrounds and professions, who meet five times a year. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held every year, where the annual report, including a narrative of activities and financial report, is shared and discussed with stakeholders and the public. The organisation’s work is further supported by an advisory committee comprising both migrants and indigenous people from various backgrounds and expertise.

AMDAF fully complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary, and Charitable Sector in Ireland, having achieved compliance in 2022. Annual reports are prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2014 and, in the absence of statutory reporting standards for charities in Ireland, follow the international best practice standard of accountability and transparency, Charities Statement of Recommended Practice SORP (FRS 102).

Committed to transparency and good governance, AMDAF shares its Annual Reports and Financial Statements during the AGM and publicly on its website. The organisation is also governed under the following policies:

  1. Financial Management Policies and Procedures   |   Download here
  2. Risk Policies and Procedures   |   Download here
  3. Procurement Policy  |   Download here
  4. Training and Induction Policy  |   Download here
  5. Referral Policy and Procedures  |   Download here
  6. Conflict of Interests Policy and Procedures  |   Download here
  7. Grievance Policy  |   Download here
  8. Health and Safety Policy  |   Download here
  9. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy  |   Download here

AMDAF remains dedicated to upholding the highest standards of governance, ensuring accountability, transparency, and effective management across all its activities. Also, Find below the AMDAF Annual General Meeting Documentation. Simply click the buttons to view documents.